07 October 2005

My next endeavor

I have decided to make a third novel attempt. (The first I completed and it was rejected by the publisher- although I think even I knew it was terrible- perhaps someday if I have the patience I will rework it. And the second I abandoned- more than likely I approached it with far too much furious artistic intensity and I quickly lost interest.) I'm not yet sure what this newest story will be about. I'm almost afraid to even post about it, lest I somehow spook myself and abandon it too, like the second. The Muse can be a fitful and moody creature.

Poems of encouragement, love letters, gorgeous portraits of yours truly, or any other bit of creativity you would like to send my way will all be welcomed graciously.


Blogger Joel said...

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I think you can do it
And so do you.

Sorry, I suck at this stuff. :)

October 10, 2005 10:32 PM  

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