03 May 2005

What April Showers?

Since writing the post on dreams I have been thinking a great deal more on the subject. I have even made one of those lists of 'things I want to accomplish.' On this list I put things that have been life aspirations of mine for a while now. Among them are: travel to all seven continents, run a half-marathon, see U2 in concert, publish an article in a national magazine, publish a book, and hike a very large mountain (Long's Peak or similar).

I have to admit that at first I resisted the idea of a list. It seems so cliché; so finite. Did I really want to quantify and therefore limit my dreams? Finally I came to realize that a list could supplement without restricting the direction of my dreaming. And so I think of the list as more of a guideline rather than an agenda. Items can be added or removed to the list as I see fit, as my concept of life changes.

However, there are also dreams I have that are unlistable. Such as: enjoy sunny days, continue to make new friends, cherish and appreciate old friends, seek truth and meaning, love, dance, breathe in the beauty of the world around me. These are continuous processes rather than discreet events, but this does not make them any less important. If anything, they are even more vital to a fulfilled life than are the items on the list. After all, one can have adventure after adventure and still feel very unsatisfied. Without learning how to appreciate them, the adventures and accomplishments are worthless.

Nonetheless, in approximately the past 10 days I have accomplished three of the goals on my 'list.' I have seen U2 in concert, I have run a half-marathon, and an article that I wrote has been accepted by a national magazine. As a friend of mine pointed out to me, this may be the only time in my life that I will see the fulfillment of three list items in such a short period of time.

But it doesn't stop there. Not only have I checked off a significant portion of my list, I have also greatly enjoyed days in between. I have met so many amazing people, from Boogieburg to Denver to Nashville. I have spent much time outside, savoring the emergence from winter hibernation. I have seen old friends and rekindled those relationships. I have loved, laughed, and yes, I have danced (and not just on the floor- on the bar at Coyote Ugly as well). I have sang, at times to the dismay of those around me, and I have written with great vim and vigor. Like all of the blossoming flora around me, I have experienced a renewal of spirit this spring.

This April was, quite possibly the best month of my life. It seems almost unbelievable to me, but I realized that I am living the life that I have imagined. And so I am driven to dream bigger than before. I have realized the value of having dreams. How could I appreciate the fulfillment of something if I did not know it was what I wanted? And perhaps the most amazing thing of all that has occurred this April is that I have truly come to believe in the sanctity of dreams.


Blogger ML said...

Good post! The past year I've had a lot of firsts as well. I think trying new things keeps spuring us on to take chances and that is what living is about, taking chances whether they are physical, mental, spirtual or whatever, just not being satisfied with the status quo. Way to go C, you inspire me with your courage!

May 03, 2005 10:18 AM  
Blogger r.m said...

"Dream On" girl, you rock!

May 03, 2005 1:17 PM  
Blogger Joel said...

I love reading your writing. I wish I could write as well as you. Congrats on getting published. I am so glad that you ran a half. And U2 is wonderful. I made a list recently (in the past year) because I decided that it would help me spend my time and money more wisely on the things that mattered to me. I think it helps but I agree it is definitely more of a guideline. And I like your list of ‘everyday things’ to keep in mind. Not all goals have to be about doing something specific. Sometimes it is just about a living your life a certain way.

May 05, 2005 10:35 PM  

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